Friday, July 12, 2013

Pilsner - brew 2

Thomas coopers brewmaster pilsner

My second bew, which I started pretty much the second that the lager was bottled.
I really should have waited to taste the lager first, as I made the same mistakes with this brew; namely squeezing the bottles during the capping.

Coopers plastic bottles
Thomas coopers brewmaster pilsner
Yeast 16712 P
can best before 21/6/
brew 27/5/2013
dextrose 300g
light dry malt 500g
temp of wort 23 degrees
OG 36 27/5/2013
23 29/5/2013
14 30/5/2013
11  31/5/2013
8 1/6/2013
7 2/6/2013
6 3/6/2013
7 4/6/2013
5 5/6/2013
5 6/6/2013
5 8/6/2013
Bottled 8/6/2013

Bitter and sour tastes, flat because of squeezing the bottles again, I think.
2 weeks later, still not very drinkable.

After another few weeks, some of the bottles are actually drinkable, being clean tasting without the sourness they had before.
Most bottles are still too flat, but they're developing a small amount of head.

I've put aside a few bottles to taste in a few months along with the lager.

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